Residence Domicile, American Accountants, Federal Income Tax Return, and Renouncing American Citizenship for Tax Purposes: A Guide for US Expats in the UK

Navigating the intricate web of US tax requirements can be a daunting task for American expatriates living in the United Kingdom. In this article, presented by Xerxes Associates LLP, a distinguished US and UK tax advisory firm, we will delve into crucial topics like residence and domicile, the role of American accountants, the American tax return process, and the complex decision of renouncing American citizenship for tax purposes.

Residence and Domicile

Understanding the concepts of "residence" and "domicile" is the first step to comprehending the tax obligations of US expats in the UK.

Residence: For tax purposes, the US distinguishes between residents and non-residents. US citizens and green card holders are considered residents and are subject to taxation on their worldwide income, irrespective of where they live. Expatriates, however, may be eligible for specific tax provisions, such as the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) or the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC), depending on their residence status.

Domicile: Domicile represents an individual’s permanent home, the place they intend to return to and establish their life. It has significant implications for inheritance tax and other tax considerations. Understanding how domicile is determined is vital for US expats in the UK.

American Accountants

US expatriates face a unique set of tax challenges due to the requirement of filing both US and UK tax returns. American accountants play an invaluable role in helping expats navigate this complex terrain.

Expertise: American accountants possess specialised knowledge in US tax laws and can provide tailored guidance on tax compliance, credits, deductions, and exemptions that apply to expats in the UK.

Compliance: They ensure expatriates meet the reporting requirements of both countries, reducing the risk of penalties, audits, and double taxation.

American Tax Return and Federal Income Tax Return

US expats must file an American tax return (IRS Form 1040) to report their worldwide income, even while residing in the UK. Here are some key points to consider:

Filing Deadline: The standard deadline for US tax returns is April 15th, but expats receive an automatic extension until June 15th. They can also request additional time to file until October 15th if needed.

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) and Foreign Tax Credit (FTC): These provisions allow expats to reduce or eliminate US tax liability on their foreign-earned income. Properly applying them is crucial for tax optimization.

Renouncing American Citizenship for Tax Purposes

In certain situations, renouncing American citizenship may be considered as a last resort for US expats seeking to alleviate tax burdens. While this is a complex decision with legal and financial consequences, it is essential to consult with experts.

Exit Tax: Renouncing citizenship triggers an "exit tax" on certain assets, which can be substantial. Understanding the implications and proper planning is vital.

Long-term Consequences: Renouncing citizenship has profound implications for one’s status, access to US benefits, and future travels to the United States.


US expats in the UK must navigate a complex tax landscape, considering aspects such as residence, domicile, American tax accountants, federal income tax returns, and even the serious decision of renouncing American citizenship for tax purposes. Xerxes Associates LLP stands ready to provide expert guidance to help you make informed decisions and optimise your financial situation while complying with US tax requirements. Remember, with the right support, you can navigate the intricacies of the US tax system and secure your financial future as an expatriate in the UK.

Contact us via or fill out our contact form to discuss your expat tax situation with us.

Read more here: Xerxes US Expats Living & Working in the UK Blog.